On May 25, 2018, The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became Law . It is the most important change in Data privacy in over 20 years and every country in Europe is expected to be compliant. If a company is in breach of the new regulation they will face many penalties and massive fines. […]
We are delighted to have been given the rare opportunity to give something back through our design skillset, where we know we can really affect the long term outcome of somebody’s life. The person in question is Peter Ryan, a former hurler for the Tipperary minor team, now an Irish Paralympic cyclist. The story begins […]
Our friends over in Mason Hayes & Curran launched a GDPR App that is aimed at helping individuals and organisations to understand the complexities of what to expect after the legislation comes into effect on May 25th next. They are one of very few companies that have fully embraced what looms on the horizon. For […]
We are delighted to have been part of the team that worked on the new MISA Wing up in St. James Hospital which has received a Centre of Excellence Award for the building and the internal way-finding system that was put in place. The award was part of the Irish Building & Design Awards [IBDA] 2017 […]
I don’t think a week has gone by this year where one of the team weren’t out running towards something or away from someone. So, this week we are saying well done to Jill & Paul for completing the 5k part of the Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon. The Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon itself, actually starts in […]